If you would like to submit an article for consideration by the Facts & Findings Editorial Board, send the article, your contact information, a short author bio, and a high-resolution photo to editor@nala.org
Editorial Board
NALA members, who are volunteer paralegals, serve on the Editorial Board for this magazine to ensure its timeliness and relevance of articles to working paralegals. Members of the Editorial Board are also members of the NALA Continuing Education Council. The Chair of the Continuing Education Council also serves as the editor of Facts & Findings.
Article Submission
The Facts & Findings Editorial Board would be happy to review your article! Before submitting the article, please take a moment to review the Editorial Guidelines. All articles are reviewed by the board before a publication decision is made. Publishing and editorial decisions are based on the editors' judgment of the writing, timeliness of the article, and the interest of the readers.
Earning CLE for Published Articles
Certified Paralegals can earn CLE credit if they submit an article for Facts & Findings and it has been approved for publishing. Hours may be awarded for publishing an article of at least 1,000 words in a legal periodical or book on a subject of substantive law or procedure related to the work of paralegals. CLE Hours Calculation: Certified Paralegals will be awarded three CLE hours for an individually-authored article of at least 1,000 words published in a legal publication in accordance with NALA Facts & Findings Editorial Guidelines (2014) or similar published guidelines. Hours for articles with more than one author will be awarded pro-rata based upon the number of authors and words.
CLE will only be granted once the article has been approved by the Facts & Findings Editorial Board. For more information on earning CLE credit click here.
From the Editorial Board
A Note about Articles Submitted by Vendors
Facts & Findings welcomes educational articles by all vendors. All articles are reviewed and selected for publication by the Facts & Findings Editorial Board. The Board selects articles on the basis of timeliness, appeal to paralegals, and demonstration of how the product or service provides solutions to problems encountered by paralegals such as last-minute filings or failure of equipment. The article should also discuss how the use of a product or service increases the value of paralegal services to firms or employers. If an article is selected for publication, the Editorial Board will schedule the issue in which the article will appear. Scheduling includes the article’s fit with other articles in a particular issue. The Editorial Board will also communicate with authors about any revisions needed to conform to Facts & Findings style and space considerations.
If you would like to submit an article for consideration by the Facts & Findings Editorial Board, send the article and an author bio to editor@nala.org.