
Non-substantive credit is mediation, law office management, computer programs or applications, communications, office technology, self-help, mental health, or prevention of substance abuse courses.

We all have likely heard about “diversity,” “inclusion,” “equity,” and “belonging,” and we all have probably attended at least one program or learning opportunity on these topics. In this webinar, we will briefly overview how the terms are currently understood. We will also discuss other terms that are used when talking about DEI efforts. 

Wednesday, October 20, 2021 - 12:00pm

Have you ever wondered why there are so many closed doors in law firms? Does it seem like you are surrounded by introverted attorneys, paralegals, and support staff employed at your firm? Introversion and the law go hand in hand, and this webinar will reveal the keys to why so many lawyers tend to have introverted traits. This webinar will help you understand the introverts you work with, and if you too are an introvert, understand yourself.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021 - 12:00pm

Diversity and inclusion are buzz words heard all over the news and media, and yet, for many law firms and corporations where paralegals work, there seems to be a lack of dialogue or sense of value within the profession. For many paralegals, engaging with clients, lawyers, vendors, and other colleagues is an integral part of their job. This webinar will help paralegals understand that to be a successful paralegal – one that stands out among the rest – one must interact and collaborate with an inclusive mindset.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021 - 12:00pm

The disability community is an historically disadvantaged sect of population and one that is broadly dismissed and widely forgotten in conversations about diversity. This course explores the discrimination individuals with disabilities have experienced and how perceptive shifts in society have evolved. We dive into the laws that provide equal rights and protect against discrimination, such as the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act, and cover some case law to analyze how these laws are applied.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021 - 12:00pm

Many paralegals know that they are capable of doing more complex and important projects, but how do you convince others that you are ready for these assignments? This webinar discusses multiple methods to advocate for work assignments that increase your employer's reliance on your skills, knowledge, and talents. Some of the concepts include:

Wednesday, November 10, 2021 - 12:00pm

Paralegals are caseload managers, and their main job is to do just that – manage a caseload. However, how can you do this when you have so many other elements and obstacles in between? This webinar – engaging for all levels of experience – covers how to efficiently manage your caseload, tasks, colleagues, and clients by providing attainable goals, tips, and strategies. 

It is no secret that job searching and hiring has been affected by the pandemic. However, there is no need to feel discouraged. 

This on-demand webinar features best practices in interviewing and salary negotiation from a seasoned recruiting professional. Regardless of whether you are looking to work remotely, negotiating a higher salary, or trying to land a job at your dream firm, it is essential to be proactive. Use the skills learned from this webinar to exceed a prospective employer’s expectations.

This on-demand webinar shares an overview of the simplest tech tools out there that can help you gain control of your days, manage the constant influx of documents, and keep your attorney and legal staff colleagues in a good mood. Discover super practical tips to empower even the most tech-phobic firms to dip a toe into the modern era! By the end of this presentation, you will:

Explore the changing technology landscape that impacts nearly all facets of the discovery process. The rise of new technologies being leveraged by clients and how the discovery process is shifting to meet the clients where they are.

Learn the secret to creating more capacity with your current resources and doing more with less. This framework is applicable to any organization, big or small, hurting or not.

In this on-demand webinar, attendees will learn:

  • Learn to do more with your current resources.
  • Understand the 5 critical components to an efficient team.
  • Learn 5 tools to help optimize performance.
  • Assess where you currently are and how to improve.
