Life Care Planning

Life Care Planning

Courses Tabs

CLE Hours: 
CLE Credit: 
Course Level: 
$45 for Members and $65 for Nonmembers
Course Materials: 
Webinar recording and a PDF of the PowerPoint slides

Life care plans have become an important component in personal injury litigation.  Whether you are seeking to demonstrate a client's injuries or disabilities or defending the actions of another party or parties, advocates often look to the life care planner to provide a clear and unbiased illustration to the court of the damages to be considered.  Since the late 1980's, life care planners have come from multiple disciplines to provide their services throughout the United States and Canada.  This presentation will provide the paralegal with an overview of life care planning with the following learning objectives:

  • The participant will be able to identify the different certifications for life care planners, giving them guidance in the selection of a life care planner for their case
  • The participant will understand the Standards of Practice guiding life care planners and their implications for plan development
  • The participant will be familiar with the different uses for life care plans in the civil litigation process
  • The participant will have an understanding of the resources needed by the life care planner to develop an appropriate and defensible plan
  • The participant will be able to identify those elements important in working with the life care planner in order to provide the attorney/court with accurate and thorough opinions.
  • The participant will be able to identify the anticipated cost and time allocation needed for the life care plan.
Course Year: