On-Demand Webinar Courses Page

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In-House Management of Outside Counsel

This session provides participants with tools and resources to help you shine in supporting your legal department’s outside counsel case/project evaluation and management. Learn effective techniques to match outside counsel to specific matters, as well as manage voluminous case/project work load with multiple outside firms and attorneys. We walk through each step in legal department analysis of case/project assignment to obtaining cost-efficient and timely results from outside counsel.

Inclusivity, Intersectionality, and Becoming a Better Ally

This on-demand webinar explores how to be an ally who is a leader – one who supports equality, stands up for the rights of others, and is a powerful voice alongside marginalized individuals or groups. Topics include the following: 

Increase Capacity Without Adding People, Money, or Time

Learn the secret to creating more capacity with your current resources and doing more with less. This framework is applicable to any organization, big or small, hurting or not.

In this on-demand webinar, attendees will learn:

  • Learn to do more with your current resources.
  • Understand the 5 critical components to an efficient team.
  • Learn 5 tools to help optimize performance.
  • Assess where you currently are and how to improve.
Informed Consent

Clinical research studies conducted in the US are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and by the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, as amended (secs. 201-902, 52 Stat. 1040 et seq. as amended (21 U.S.C. 321-392)). Throughout the research process, there are legal and ethical implications that researchers and doctors, clinical trial sponsors, and drug development companies must be aware of to successfully bring drugs and medical devices to the consumer market.

Intelligent Information Governance and Today’s Paralegal

Information Governance (IG) is often talked about in the legal world but can be hard to understand. In this timely and informative session, you'll learn what IG is and how it applies to the work of you and your team. Whether in a law firm, corporate, or government environment, you'll also hear what can happen if you don't focus on this important subject.  Join us and find out:

International Corporate Law

The Basics of International corporate law will teach you the differences between Common Law jurisdictions and Civil law, and the jurisdictions which are Common or Civil law. Furthermore, it will discuss how they affect corporate services. This on-demand webinar will also provide an overview of the concept of registered agent in common law jurisdictions and civil jurisdictions and how they differ. Specific service offerings will be discussed, as it will help you understand what is available outside of the United States. 

Internet Sleuthing for Paralegals

This course is a Beginner to Intermediate level course.  Attendees will learn: 1) Investigation techniques using the internet for background checks; a) What services to use for background reports b) Verifying information on background reports c) Gathering new data based on information in background reports 2) Internet search engines to use for investigation purposes; 3) Locating people on social media sites; a) Facebook b) LinkedIn

Interviewing Reminders and Tips in the Digital World

We all have our own view of what it takes to be a successful interview. The old adage of “just be yourself” isn’t going to work in today’s digital world. An interview doesn’t start the minute you walk into the interview, but could potentially start before you even receive a call, and it doesn’t end when you the interviewer shakes your hand. What do you need to consider when looking for a job in today’s digital world? What makes you stick out from the digital pack, and how do you ensure that what you have on your digital wall doesn’t come back to haunt you in the physical world?

Interviewing Techniques: Dos and Don'ts

Registrants learn appropriate interviewing techniques as well as problem areas to avoid as they relate to labor and employment law -  what you can and can't do/ask legally in an interview. Real world examples are used.

Introduction to Elder Law

Ten thousand Baby Boomers turn 65 every day. As we are living longer elder law has become one of the fastest growing areas of the law. This webinar provides an overview of elder law for those who are either interested in practicing in this area, or who have family members confronting these issues. Find out how to help seniors protect their savings while ensuring access to health care they need.
