By hiring NALA Certified Paralegals, employers can have peace of mind knowing their paralegals have passed a demanding examination of the knowledge and skills needed to provide excellent paralegal services. Attorneys can utilize NALA’s certification as a credible, dependable way to measure a paralegal’s ability and to enhance the marketability, productivity, and profitability of their businesses.
If you need to verify that a potential job candidate is a CP, please check our Certifed Paralegal Directory.
Please view the NALA Utilization and Compensation Report Summary of Findings to learn more about the paralegal profession.
Certified Paralegal Commitment
The Certified Paralegal credential is key to respect and opportunity throughout the legal profession. Earning this credential is a proud achievement, and maintaining the right to use it is a career-long commitment. Certification must be maintained through continuing education relevant to the demands of the paralegal career. The CP credential is valid for a period of five (5) years.
What Will It Cost Me?
All documentation required to complete the Certified Paralegal examination application form must be submitted at the time of filing the application. Documentation includes official school transcripts, attorney attestations, and payment. Incomplete applications are subject to rejection. Continuous education is required in order to maintain the CP credential and is not included in the exam fee. Paralegals who want to become NALA Members will receive discounts on continuing education programs.
First Time Examinee Fees:
- $250 - Members
- $275 - Non-members
The Paralegal student fee is for paralegal students currently in the last semester or quarter of a Paralegal program and who do not currently qualify under category 1, 2, or 3. The student application, fee, and supporting documentation must be mailed, emailed (testing@nala.org), or faxed (918-582-6772) to us.
- $125 - Paralegal Student Member Rate
- $150 - Paralegal Student Non-member Rate
Retake Examinees:
$60 - For each subsequent attempt for either Knowledge or Skills Exams