On-Demand Webinar Courses Page

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Top 10 Tips to Improve Your Legal Writing

Effective communication skills are critical to a paralegal's success. Do you want to take your legal writing to the next level and become an indispensable member of your legal team? Join Legal Research & Writing Professor, Pamela Hollern, for “Top 10 Tips to Improve Your Legal Writing”.   In this quick, 1-hour on-demand webinar, you will take away tangible tips to immediately improve your legal writing. Learn how to: 

The World of Business Organizations and their Structures

This on-demand webinar discusses the different types of corporate structures, including corporations, limited liability companies, and partnerships, from the standpoint of what they are, how each are legally formed, the advantages and disadvantages of each. It covers topics such as business planning, corporate governance and maintenance, fiduciary duties of sole proprietors, members, and shareholders and their liability and rights.  

The Secret to Understanding Objections

While many lawyers are quite talented, far less have a full understanding of all objections or how to best assert or respond to them.

The Science of Living in Balance

In this on-demand webinar, you will learn about the importance of taking care of yourself—mind, soul and body—from a certified nurse practitioner and wellness coach, Dr. Eileen O’Grady. It will be valuable for paralegals in any setting who are being asked to do more with less, work unrelenting hours, and may be feeling under siege and overwhelmed. You will learn where you are out of balance in your life and to develop concrete goals to achieve more thoughtful alignment. Explore a fresh way to view self-care and how to incorporate the science behind learned optimism.

The Raw Truth about Job Searching, Interviewing, and Salary Negotiation

It is no secret that job searching and hiring has been affected by the pandemic. However, there is no need to feel discouraged. 

This on-demand webinar features best practices in interviewing and salary negotiation from a seasoned recruiting professional. Regardless of whether you are looking to work remotely, negotiating a higher salary, or trying to land a job at your dream firm, it is essential to be proactive. Use the skills learned from this webinar to exceed a prospective employer’s expectations.

The Plea Bargain Trap

The vast majority of criminal cases (more than ninety percent) are resolved outside of the trial process through the plea-bargaining process ending in a guilty plea. Proponents of the current plea-bargaining system enshrined in the criminal justice system would argue that it allows criminal defendants options, saves time, saves money, and the criminal justice system would collapse without it. However, critics argue that the rush to resolve criminal cases through plea bargaining jeopardizes the constitutional rights of defendants, who may be pressured to plead guilty when they are not guilty

The Paralegal's Role in Litigation

This on-demand webinar will discuss the role paralegals play in the course of litigating a case, including the responsibilities of the paralegal and the attorney’s expectations of the paralegal during litigation.

The Paralegal's Professional Responsibilities Role-Playing Workshop

Research shows that practice and feedback are critical to learning. In this on-demand webinnar, participants will actively communicate responses to several different scenarios invoking the rules of professional responsibility, as well as giving and receiving peer feedback about how situations are handled.

The Nassar Case from Start to Finish

Over the course of Mr. Newburg's career he has represented a number of individuals and been involved in cases that involve media attention including the Larry Nassar case. Mr. Newburg will discuss how he got involved in the case, when he got involved in the case and what it was like to be involved. He will discuss things learned from his representation of Dr.

The Millennial Effect in the Jury Box

This presentation focuses on generational differences and the changing face of our jury pools.
